

The Aberdeen Regional Airport is currently served by Skywest doing business as Delta Airline.
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Northeast South Dakota’s Airport

Flights from Aberdeen Regional Airport go between Aberdeen, South Dakota, and Minneapolis/St. Paul International Airport in Minnesota twice daily. For information regarding reservations, flight details, ticket counter services, or baggage, please contact Delta Air Lines at (800) 221-1212 or at

The Aberdeen Regional Airport is currently served by Skywest dba Delta Air Lines. Delta Air Lines is a leader in domestic and international travel, offering airline tickets and flights to over 300 destinations in 60 countries.

Our airport serves many coming to Aberdeen for business, travel, as well as pheasant hunting. Hunting is a large draw to our region and our airport is accustomed to working with travelers bringing hunting gear, hunting dogs, and more with them. For hunters wishing to learn more about traveling via airplane, visit ABR’s “For Hunters” page that answers common frequently asked questions:

Along with our city-run airport, Aberdeen is also home to multiple privately run flight services – or Fixed Base Operators (FBOs). Each offers charter flight services, flight instruction, refueling services, repair services, and aerial photography. Learn more about the following FBOs:

For more information about Aberdeen’s airport and flight travel, use the information and links below:

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