Money, Finance, and Banking
You must be 18 years of age to establish an account, or else a parent or guardian will have to complete the necessary forms on your behalf.
The U.S. Monetary System is a decimal system, with one dollar equal to 100 cents. One dollar is written as $1 or $1.00. One cent is written as 1¢. One dollar and 25 cents would be written as $1.25. Dollar amounts are written with a comma every three digits, so 1,000 dollars would be written as $1,000.00. Paper currency is used for amounts of $1 or more, and coins are used for amounts under $1.
We’ve compiled helpful resources for international residents or those just moving to the area who may be unfamiliar with our banks or finance systems. Learn more about setting up a bank account, establishing credit, setting up homeowners or car insurance, as well as tax information.