Hub City Link Program in Aberdeen, South Dakota
Are you new to Aberdeen?
Aberdeen, South Dakota, is a great place to live, and we have numerous programs, resources, activities, and organizations to get you and/or your family connected and engaged outside of work. We understand that when you are new, it is sometimes difficult to find the information and make a connection. So, that’s why we started the Hub City Link program.
Historically, Aberdeen was called the Hub City because four different railroad companies built depots in the newly developing town. With these four railroads intersecting, Aberdeen soon became known as the “Hub City of the Dakotas.” When looking down from above, the tracks resembled the spokes of a wheel converging at a hub, hence the name Hub City and the inspiration for the Hub City Link program.
We’ve developed a survey that will help connect you with your interests and we hope that you will take a few minutes to complete. Find the survey by going to
Once you complete the survey, a Chamber volunteer or staff person will reach out and provide you with the additional information and contacts for the areas of interest you indicated. We also encourage you and/or your family members to contact our Chamber office by stopping at 516 S Main Street, calling (605) 225-2860, or emailing us at for specific questions and assistance. We are here to help in any way that we can.
Once again, welcome to Aberdeen!